Motor designs and appearance differences
Many outboard in the market place have been made in different colour’s and designs but are still the same motor shape and dimensions.
APPEARANCE: The photo below is of 3 outboard motors that are exactly the same outboard but in different colour’s and decals/stickers. These 3 outboards are the same models and if you look closely will see the air intakes on the top of the cowling are the same (4 lines or grills) even though they look different (colour/graphics).
Another example would be Mercury & Mariner outboards which are exactly the same motor but with different colour cowlings (silver for Mariner & black for Mercury), this includes the motor/leg/steering/prop/gearbox and everything associated with it.
Don’t see your year of motor in our model list? If you don’t see you motor model listed please select another year maybe the year above or below yours (1998>1999)? Does this look like your motor? If you still don’t see your motor please discontinue with the order online process and take a photo of your motor and send it along with your question, this is the fastest way for us to get it right!!. To contact us CLICK HERE, we are very happy to ensure we get the right cover for your motor.