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No PO Boxes US$35.00"; pricePostageCaption2 = "Standard Tracked Shipping within USA. 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US$50.00"; pricePostageCaption2 = "Standard shipping USA outlying islands. US$25.00"; for (var i = 0; i < selectedDeliveryOptions.length; i++) { if (selectedDeliveryOptions[i] == "86") { if (editInd == "") { postageSecond = true; } else { if (!postageFirst) { postageFirst = true; } else if (i <= parseInt(editInd)) { postageSecond = true; } } } } if (postageSecond) { if (pricePostage2 != 0) { pricePostage1 = pricePostage2; pricePostageCaption1 = pricePostageCaption2; } } pricePostages[pricePostages.length] = [86, pricePostageCaption1, postageSecond]; var hivizPrice = "20.00"; var yforkPrice = "20.00"; var zipPrice = "20.00"; var lockingPrice = "20.00"; var cylinders = 0; var motors = []; motors[motors.length] = [281, 'M20-4V', 10, 4, 2008, 2019, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['15hp Pro Kicker not new V shape',15,'M20-4V (15) Pro Kick.jpg', 13238, ['Pro Kicker 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height','Pro Kicker 20\'\' (Long)','Pro Kicker 25\'\' (XL)'] ] , ['15hp not new V shape',15,'M20-4V (15).gif', 13240, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['20hp not new V shape',20,'M20-4V (20).jpg', 13239, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [208, 'M115-4V', 10, 4, 2006, 2014, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['75hp EFI',75,'Mercury_75_FourStroke_EFI.jpg', 13209, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['80hp EFI',80,'Merc80.jpg', 13213, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['90hp EFI',90,'Mercury_90_FourStroke_EFI.jpg', 13210, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['100hp EFI',100,'m115-4v(100).jpg', 13212, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115hp EFI',115,'Mercury_115_FourStroke_EFI.jpg', 13211, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [329, 'M350-4V', 10, 4, 2010, 2014, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, [ ['350hp SCI Verado ( big air intake in front)',350,'M350-4SCI.gif', 13278, ['25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] ], 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [84, 'M6-4 Old', 10, 4, 1999, 2013, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['4hp with NO gas/fuel cap internal tank',4,'M6-4 (4)0.jpg', 13296, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['4hp with gas/fuel cap back of motor',4,'M6-4 (4) tank at rear.gif', 13293, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['5hp with gas/fuel cap back of motor',5,'M6-4 (5) tank at rear.gif', 13294, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['5hp with NO gas/fuel cap internal tank',5,'M6-4 (5)0.jpg', 13297, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['6hp with gas/fuel cap back of motor',6,'M6-4 (6) tank at rear.gif', 13295, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['6hp with NO gas/fuel cap internal tank',6,'M6-4 (6)0.jpg', 13298, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [115, 'MT20-4', 10, 4, 2004, 2008, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['15hp Old Shape(Decals can vary to red)',15,'M15-4 LT 2008.gif', 13326, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [212, 'M15-4<2008', 10, 4, 1980, 2008, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['9.9hp USA Made',9.9,'m15-4(2006)(9.9).jpg', 13214, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Big Foot 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['15hp USA Made',15,'M15-4-2006 (15)1.jpg', 13215, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Big Foot 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [237, 'M225-2OPTI<07', 10, 2, 2003, 2007, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['200hp Optimax (Gen 1)',200,'M225-2OPTI+07 (200).jpg', 13340, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225hp Optimax (Gen 1)',225,'M225-2OPTI+07 (225).jpg', 13341, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250hp Optimax XS',250,'M250-2Opti (250) NOT FULL COVER.gif', 13342, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) '] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [220, 'M40-4', 10, 4, 1999, 2007, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['30hp Carb/EFI (3 Cyl)',30,'M40-4 (30)2.jpg', 13279, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp Carb/EFI (3 Cyl)',40,'M40-4 (40)1.jpg', 13280, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [296, 'M60-4<07', 10, 4, 1995, 2007, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['40hp Carb/EFI Big Foot (4 Cylinder))',40,'M60-4-07 (40) BF1.jpg', 13300, ['Big Foot 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp Carb/EFI (4 Cylinder)',40,'M60-4-07 (40)1.jpg', 13299, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp Carb/EFI Big Foot (4 Cylinder)',50,'M60-4-07 (50) BF1.jpg', 13302, ['Big Foot 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp Carb/EFI (4 Cylinder)',50,'M60-4 07 (50).jpg', 13301, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp Carb/EFI (4 Cylinder)',60,'M60-4 07 (60).jpg', 13303, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp Carb/EFI Big Foot (4 Cylinder)',60,'M60-4 07 (60) BF.jpg', 13304, ['Big Foot 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [211, 'M115-4<06', 10, 4, 1980, 2007, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['75hp Carb/EFI',75,'M115-4 06 (75).jpg', 13204, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['80hp (UK) Carb/EFI',80,'M115-4 06 (80).jpg', 13205, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['90hp Carb/EFI',90,'M115-4 06 (100).jpg', 13206, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['100hp (UK) Carb/EFI',100,'M115-4 06 (100)0.jpg', 13208, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115hp Carb/EFI',115,'M115-4 06 (115).jpg', 13207, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [298, 'M300-2', 10, 2, 1998, 2006, 6, 0, 1, 1, 0, [ ['Promax',200,'M300-2 (Promax).jpg', 13056, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Super Magnum',200,'M300-2 (Promax)4.jpg', 13061, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Promax',225,'M300-2 (Promax)0.jpg', 13057, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Super Magnum',225,'M300-2 (Promax)5.jpg', 13062, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Promax',250,'M300-2 (Promax)1.jpg', 13058, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Super Magnum',250,'M300-2 (Promax)6.jpg', 13063, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Promax',275,'M300-2 (Promax)2.jpg', 13059, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Super Magnum',275,'M300-2 (Promax)7.jpg', 13064, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Promax',300,'M300-2 (Promax)3.jpg', 13060, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['Super Magnum',300,'M300-2 (Promax)8.jpg', 13065, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [214, 'M225-4', 10, 4, 2002, 2006, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['200hp Saltwater (big fat motor)',200,'M225-4 Saltwater1.jpg', 13245, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225hp Saltwater (big fat motor)',225,'M225-4 Saltwater2.jpg', 13246, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [215, 'M25-4', 10, 4, 1980, 2005, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['25hp',25,'M25-4 (25).jpg', 13252, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [240, 'M225-2OPTI<02', 10, 2, 1999, 2002, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['200hp DFI/ Optimax',200,'M225-2Opti+02(200).gif', 13338, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225hp DFI/ Optimax',225,'M225-2Opti+02.gif', 13339, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [232, 'M250-2<2001', 10, 2, 1991, 2001, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['225 EFI or Carby Models',225,'M250-2 (225)0.jpg', 13052, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 EFI or Carb Models',250,'M250-2 (250)1.jpg', 13053, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [319, 'M40-2 4cyl', 10, 2, 1986, 1997, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['30hp Jet ',30,'M40-2 4cyl (30 Jet)0.gif', 13081, [] ] , ['40hp 4 Cylinder',40,'M40-2 4Cyl0.jpg', 13082, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [244, 'M200-2BM', 10, 2, 1989, 1995, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['135 Not split Cowling',135,'m200-2bm0.jpg', 13031, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['140 Not split Cowling',140,'m200-2bm1.jpg', 13032, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 Not split Cowling',150,'m200-2bm2.jpg', 13033, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175 Not split Cowling',175,'m200-2bm3.jpg', 13034, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['200 Not split Cowling',200,'m200-2bm4.jpg', 13035, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [256, 'M115-2', 10, 2, 1983, 1993, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['90hp (Split Cowling) 4 Cyl Inline',90,'M115-2 Split Cowling 4 Cyl3.jpg', 12997, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['100hp (Split Cowl) 4 Cyl Inline',100,'M115-2 Split Cowling 4 Cyl.jpg', 12995, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115hp (Split Cowl) 4 Cyl Inline',115,'M115-2 Split Cowling 4 Cyl0.jpg', 12996, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [271, 'M40-2<1990', 10, 2, 1986, 1990, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['30hp (2 Cylinder)',30,'', 13083, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp (2 Cylinder)',40,'', 13084, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [246, 'M200-2BM<90', 10, 2, 1970, 1988, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['135hp Black Max/ Marathon',135,'m200-2bm-90.gif', 13036, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) '] ] , ['140 Black Max/ Marathon',140,'m200-2bm-900.gif', 13037, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) '] ] , ['150 Black Max/ Marathon',150,'m200-2bm-901.gif', 13038, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) '] ] , ['175 Black Max/ Marathon',175,'m200-2bm-902.gif', 13039, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) '] ] , ['200 Black Max/ Marathon',200,'m200-2bm-903.gif', 13040, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) '] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [223, 'M5-2OLD', 10, 2, 1970, 1987, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['4hp',4,'', 13087, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['5hp',5,'', 13088, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [258, 'M115-2BM', 10, 2, 1978, 1986, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['90hp Black Max (6 Cyl)',90,'M115-2BM.jpg', 12998, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115hp Black Max (6 Cyl)',115,'M115-2BM0.jpg', 12999, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [228, 'M8-2TBI', 10, 2, 1979, 1981, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['6hp Thunderbolt Injection',6,'', 13098, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['7.5hp Thunderbolt Injection',7.5,'', 13099, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['8hp Thunderbolt Injection',8,'', 13100, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [328, 'M300-2Opti ', 10, 2, 2005, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, [ ['225 Optimax Sports XS',225,'M300-2Opti (225 Sport XS).jpg', 13344, [] ] , ['250 Optimax Sports XS',250,'M300-2Opti (250 Sport XS)0.jpg', 13343, [] ] ], 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [277, 'M25-2', 10, 2, 1988, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['20hp USA Made same as 25hp',20,'M25-2.jpg', 13046, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['25hp USA Made',25,'M25-20.jpg', 13047, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [355, 'M6-4', 10, 4, 2012, 2024, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['4hp New shape Gas Cap Front',4,'M6-4 (4,5,6) tank at front5.gif', 13287, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['5hp New shape Gas Cap Front',5,'M6-4 (4,5,6) tank at front4.gif', 13286, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['6hp New shape Gas Cap Front',6,'M6-4 (4,5,6) tank at front3.gif', 13285, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [365, 'M150-4', 10, 4, 2011, 2024, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['135hp EFI (no 2nd color avail)',135,'M150-4(135).jpg', 13228, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150hp Pro XS with CT Leg',150,'M150-4 Pro XS0.jpg', 13231, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['150hp Pro XS (no 2nd color avail)',150,'M150-4 Pro XS.jpg', 13230, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150hp EFI SEAPRO (no 2nd color avail)',150,'M150-4 (SeaPro 150).jpg', 13229, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['150hp EFI (no 2nd color avail)',150,'M150-4.gif', 13227, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [445, 'MR450-4', 10, 4, 2019, 2024, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, [ ['250hp Racing 4.6L V8 Black',250,'300R B1.png', 13124, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['300hp Racing 4.6L V8 Black',300,'300R.jpg', 13123, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['300hp Racing 4.6L V8 White',300,'300R white1.png', 13125, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['Racing 450R 4.6L V8 Black without steering harness',450,'M450-4 19.jpg', 13120, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['Racing 450R 4.6L V8 White without steering harness',450,'M450-4 190.jpg', 13121, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['MOTORS with STEERING HARNESS ONLY SPLASH COVERS',450,'Mercury450R-black.png', 13122, ['Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['500hp Racing 4.6L V8 White',500,'500R White.jpg', 13127, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['500hp Racing 4.6L V8 Black',500,'500R Black.jpg', 13126, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [476, 'MR60-4V', 10, 4, 2007, 2024, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['60R - Racing Decals, High Thrust leg',60,'60R.png', 13130, ['High Thrust 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [475, 'MR500-4', 10, 4, 2023, 2024, 10, 0, 0, 0, 1, [ ['400R 5.7L V10 - White with Red Accent',400,'V10 400R white.png', 13189, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] , ['400R 5.7L V10 - Black with Red Accent',400,'V10 400R Black.png', 13188, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [468, 'M30-4 22', 10, 4, 2022, 2024, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['25hp ProKicker 2022 model (500cc) CHECK IMAGE FOR MODEL',25,'m30-4 22 (25PK).png', 13258, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['25hp SeaPro 2022 model (500cc) CHECK IMAGE FOR MODEL',25,'m30-4 22 (25sp).png', 13257, ['20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['25hp 2022 model (500cc) CHECK IMAGE FOR MODEL',25,'m30-4-22-(25).jpg', 13255, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['30HP 2022 model (500cc) CHECK IMAGE FOR MODEL',30,'m30-4 22 (30).png', 13256, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [457, 'M600-4 ', 10, 4, 2021, 2024, 12, 0, 0, 0, 1, [ ['V12 7.6L 500 SeaPro',500,'SeaPro 500.png', 13319, ['25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] , ['V12 7.6L 600 Verado - Black Motor',600,'V12-phantom-black@1x.png', 13317, ['25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] , ['V12 7.6L 600 Verado - White Motor',600,'V12-warm-fusion@1x.png', 13318, ['25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [479, 'MAV7.5-E', 10, 4, 2023, 2024, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [ ['Avator 7.5e electric outboard',7.5,'Avator 7.5e.png', 13185, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [453, 'M225-4 18', 10, 4, 2018, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['175 ProXS 3.4L V6 New 2018',175,'M225-4 18 (ProXS 175).png', 13251, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175 V6 3.4 Litre New 2018 (Black or White)',175,'M225-4 18 (175).png', 13249, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['200 SeaPro 3.4L V6 New 2018',200,'M225-4 18 (200 SeaPro).png', 13250, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['200 V6 3.4 Litre New 2018 (Black or White)',200,'M225-4 18 (200)0.jpg', 13247, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225 V6 3.4 Litre New 2018 (Black or White)',225,'M225-4 18 (225).jpg', 13248, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [446, 'M9.9-4 19', 10, 4, 2017, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['8hp 209cc Version (CAUTION CHECK YOUR VERSION)',8,'M9.9-4 19 (8)0.jpg', 13320, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.9hp 209cc Version (CAUTION CHECK YOUR VERSION)',9.9,'M9.9-4 19 (9.9)0.jpg', 13321, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.9hp Pro Kicker 209cc Version (CAUTION CHECK YOUR VERSION)',9.9,'M9.9-4 19 (9.9 prokick)0.jpg', 13322, ['Unsure - use overall height','High Thrust 20\'\' (Long)','High Thrust 25\'\' (XL)'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [434, 'M300-4 18', 10, 4, 2018, 2024, 8, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['200hp ProXS 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',200,'M300-4 18 PXS(200).png', 13264, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['225hp ProXS 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',225,'M300-4 18 PXS(225).png', 13265, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['225hp SeaPro 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',225,'M300-4 18 SPro(225).png', 13261, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['250hp ProXS 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',250,'M300-4 18 PXS(250).png', 13266, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['250hp AMS Leg 4.6L V8 New shape 2018 (Verado)',250,'V8-All.jpg', 13268, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['250hp SeaPro CMS Leg 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',250,'M300-4 18 SPro(250).png', 13262, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['250hp CMS Leg 4.6L V8 Black or White New shape 2018',250,'250.jpg', 13270, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['300hp SeaPro AMS Leg 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',300,'M300-4 18 SPro AMS(300).png', 13263, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['300hp CMS Leg 4.6L V8 Black or White New shape 2018',300,'300 CMS.jpg', 13271, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['300hp AMS Leg 4.6L V8 New shape 2018 (Verado)',300,'V8-All0.jpg', 13269, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['300hp ProXS 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',300,'M300-4 18 PXS(300).png', 13267, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['300hp SeaPro CMS Leg 4.6L V8 New shape 2018',300,'300hp_v8_seapro_cms.png', 13272, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [429, 'M20-4 18', 10, 4, 2018, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['9.9hp Pro Kicker EFI 333cc Version 2018 Release (CAUTION CHECK YOUR VERSION)',9.9,'9.9 prok.png', 13237, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['F10 MLH (2018 Release 333cc) (check shape)',10,'F10.jpeg', 13236, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['15HP SeaPro EFI New V Shape 2018 release (check shape)',15,'M20-4 18 (SeaPro 15hp)0.jpg', 13234, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['15hp Pro Kicker EFI New V Shape 2018 release (check shape)',15,'M20-4 18 (Pro Kicker 15hp).jpg', 13235, ['Big Foot 15\'\' (Short)','Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['15HP EFI New V shape 2018 release (check shape)',15,'Mercury_EFI_15hp.png', 13232, ['20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['20HP EFI New V shape 2018 release (check shape)',20,'Mercury-20hp.jpg', 13233, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [473, 'M400-4 23', 10, 4, 2023, 2024, 10, 0, 0, 0, 1, [ ['350 5.7L V10 Verado (2023 Release CHECK IMAGE)',350,'V10.png', 13283, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] , ['400 5.7L V10 Verado (2023 Release CHECK IMAGE)',400,'V100.png', 13284, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','35\'\' (Ultra Ultra Long)'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [408, 'M300-4V', 10, 4, 2004, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['200hp Verado (Supercharged 2.6L L6)',200,'M300-4V (200)0.jpg', 13273, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225hp Verado (Supercharged 2.6L L6)',225,'M300-4V (225)0.jpg', 13274, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250hp Verado (Supercharged 2.6L L6)',250,'M300-4V (250)0.jpg', 13275, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['275hp Verado (Supercharged 2.6L L6)',275,'M300-4V (275)0.jpg', 13276, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['300hp Verado (Supercharged 2.6L L6)',300,'L6-All.jpg', 13277, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [403, 'M400-4V', 10, 4, 2015, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['200 PRO Verado (2.6L L6) Fake rear vent.',200,'Merc 200 Pro.jpg', 13292, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 PRO Verado (2.6L L6) Fake rear vent.',250,'mercury-verado-pro-250.jpg', 13291, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['300 PRO Verado (2.6L L6) Fake rear vent.',300,'350 Pro0.jpg', 13290, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['350hp released 2015 Black or White (NOT SCi Model)',350,'M400-4-(350).jpg', 13288, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['400hp VERADO (2.6L L6 Black or White) Not racing model',400,'M400-std.jpg', 13289, ['Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','25 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox','30 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [397, 'M115-4', 10, 4, 2014, 2024, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['75hp 2.1 litre SeaPro (no 2nd colour avail)',75,'M115-4 (SeaPro 75).jpg', 13200, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['75hp new 2.1 litre (no 2nd colour avail)',75,'M115-4 (75).jpg', 13192, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['80hp new 2.1 litre (no 2nd colour avail)',80,'M115-4 (80).jpg', 13193, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['90hp 2.1 litre SeaPro (no 2nd colour avail)',90,'M115-4 (SeaPro 90).jpg', 13199, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['90hp new 2.1 litre (no 2nd colour avail)',90,'M115-4 (90).jpg', 13191, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['90hp new 2.1 litre with command thrust (no 2nd colour avail)',90,'M115-4 (90 CT).jpg', 13196, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['100hp new 2.1 litre (no 2nd colour avail)',100,'M115-4 (100).jpg', 13194, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['100hp new 2.1 litre with command thrust (no 2nd colour avail)',100,'M115-4 (100 CT).jpg', 13197, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['115hp new 2.1 litre with command thrust (no 2nd colour avail)',115,'M115-4 (115 CT).jpg', 13195, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['115hp 2.1 litre Pro XS with command thrust (no 2nd colour avail)',115,'M115-4PXS.png', 13202, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['115hp 2.1 litre SeaPro Command Thrust (no 2nd colour avail)',115,'M115-4 (SeaPro 115)0.jpg', 13203, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['115hp new 2.1 litre Pro XS (no 2nd colour avail)',115,'M115-4 (115 Pro XS).jpg', 13201, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115hp 2.1 litre SeaPro (no 2nd colour avail)',115,'M115-4 (SeaPro 115).jpg', 13198, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['115hp new 2.1 litre (no 2nd colour avail)',115,'M115-4 (115).jpg', 13190, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [477, 'MR400-4V', 10, 4, 2015, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['400R (2.6L L6 Racing) Black with Red graphics (Standard)',400,'L6 400R0.png', 13119, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['400R (2.6L L6 Racing) Black - custom colour, please advise',400,'L6 400R.png', 13118, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['400R (2.6L L6 Racing) White - custom colour, please advise',400,'L6 400R White custom.png', 13117, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] , ['400R (2.6L L6 Racing) White with Red graphics (Standard)',400,'400R White.jpg', 13116, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height','20 inch Leg - Mercury Verado 5.44 inch Gearbox'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [275, 'M15-2', 10, 2, 1988, 2024, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['6hp (USA Made)',6,'M15-2 (6).jpg', 13009, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['8hp (USA Made)',8,'M15-2 (8)0.jpg', 13010, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.9hp (USA Made)',9.9,'M15-2(9.9).gif', 13011, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['10hp Marathon/ Seapro (USA Made)',10,'M15-2 (10SP).jpg', 13013, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['15hp (USA Made) Can be Sea Pro as well',15,'M15-2(15).gif', 13012, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [273, 'M40-2', 10, 2, 1994, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['30hp 2 Cyl USA Made',30,'M40-2 (30).gif', 13079, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['30hp 2 Cyl USA Made Seapro',30,'M40-2 (30 Sea Pro).jpg', 13077, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp 2 Cyl USA Made',40,'M40-2 (40)1.jpg', 13080, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp 2 Cyl USA Made Seapro',40,'M40-2 (40 Sea Pro).jpg', 13078, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [217, 'M3.5-4', 10, 4, 2007, 2024, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['2.5hp',2.5,'mercury_2.5.gif', 13253, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['3.5hp',3.5,'mercury_3.5.gif', 13254, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [216, 'M3.3-2', 10, 2, 1996, 2024, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['2.5',2.5,'Mercury 2.5 & 3.3hp 2 stk.jpg', 13054, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['3.3',3.3,'Mercury 2.5 & 3.3hp 2 stk0.jpg', 13055, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [213, 'M200-4V', 10, 4, 2005, 2024, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['135hp Verado',135,'veradom135.gif', 13241, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150hp Verado',150,'veradom150.gif', 13242, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175hp Verado',175,'veradom175.gif', 13243, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['200hp Verado (4 Cyl)',200,'M200-4V (200).jpg', 13244, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [117, 'MT9.8-2', 10, 2, 2001, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['6hp (Jap Made)',6,'', 11472, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['8hp (Jap Made)',8,'', 11473, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.8hp (Jap Made)',9.8,'', 11474, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.9hp (Jap Made) Lightweight NEW 2017',9.9,'Mercury-9.9-two-stroke.jpg', 11475, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [112, 'MT30-2', 10, 2, 1994, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['25 Japanese Made',25,'MT30-2 (25).jpg', 13109, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['30 Japanese Made',30,'Mercury 30 Japanese.jpg', 13110, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [109, 'MT50-2', 10, 2, 1992, 2024, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['40hp 3 cyl Japanse made NO pull start',40,'MT50-2 (Both Together)0.gif', 13111, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp 3 cyl Japanse made NO pull start',50,'MT50-2 (Both Together)1.gif', 13112, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [105, 'MT50-2P', 10, 2, 1992, 2024, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['40hp 3 cyl Japanse Pull & or Elect start',40,'MT50-2P.jpg', 13113, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp Sea Pro Japanse Pull & or Elect start',40,'', 13115, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp 3 cyl Japanse Pull & or Elect start',50,'MT50-2P0.jpg', 13114, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [82, 'M9.9-4V', 10, 4, 2006, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['8hp ',8,'Mercury 9.9 & 8hp 4stk 2008.gif', 13323, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.9hp ',9.9,'Mercury 9.9 & 8hp 4stk 20080.gif', 13324, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['9.9hp Pro Kicker (Old Version)',9.9,'M9.9-4v (pro kicker both).jpg', 13325, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [74, 'M60-4V', 10, 4, 2007, 2024, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['40hp EFI Big Foot 4 Cyl (older models)',40,'M60-4V (40)0.jpg', 13314, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['40hp EFI 4 Cyl',40,'M60-4V (40).gif', 13305, ['20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp EFI Command Thrust 4 Cyl',40,'M60-4V (40) CT.jpg', 13306, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['40hp SeaPro 4 Cyl CT leg',40,'M60-4 Seapro (40).jpg', 13313, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['50hp EFI 4 Cyl',50,'M60-4V (50) both1.gif', 13307, ['20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp EFI Command Thrust 4 Cyl',50,'M60-4V (50) CT.jpg', 13308, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['50hp EFI Big Foot 4 Cyl (older models)',50,'M60-4V (50) Big Foot.jpg', 13315, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['60hp SeaPro 4 Cyl CT Leg',60,'M60-4 Seapro (690).jpg', 13312, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['60hp EFI Formula Racing 4 Cyl',60,'M60-4 (60 Racing).jpg', 13311, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp EFI Big Foot 4 Cyl (older models)',60,'M60-4V (60) BF3.jpg', 13316, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['60hp EFI 4 Cyl',60,'M60-4V (60).gif', 13309, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp EFI Command Thrust 4 Cyl',60,'M60-4V (60) CT.jpg', 13310, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [218, 'M30-4V', 10, 4, 2007, 2024, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['25hp EFI (526cc CHECK)',25,'mercury25.gif', 13259, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['30hp EFI (526cc CHECK)',30,'mercury30.gif', 13260, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [221, 'M40-4V', 10, 4, 2007, 2024, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['30hp EFI (747cc CHECK your model) 3 Cyl',30,'M40-4V (30)1.jpg', 13282, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['40hp EFI (747cc CHECK your model) 3 Cyl',40,'mercury400.gif', 13281, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [229, 'MT18-2', 10, 2, 1998, 2024, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['9.9hp Super (Jap Made)',9.9,'MT18-2 New.jpg', 13105, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['15hp Super (Jap Made)',15,'MT18-2 New0.jpg', 13106, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['18hp Super (Jap Made)',18,'MT18-2 New1.jpg', 13107, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['20hp (Jap Made) (UK Only)',20,'MT18-2 New2.jpg', 13108, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [266, 'M50-2', 10, 2, 1998, 2024, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['40hp Rounder shape 3 Cyl,',40,'M50-2 (50)10.jpg', 13089, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp Rounder shape 3 Cyl,',50,'M50-2 (50)11.jpg', 13090, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp Rounder shape 3 Cyl,',60,'M50-2 (50)12.jpg', 13091, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [262, 'M60-2', 10, 2, 1991, 2024, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, [ ['40hp Square Shape USA made 3cyl',40,'M40-2 4cyl (40)2.jpg', 13095, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['50hp Square Shape USA made 3cyl',50,'M60-2 (50).jpg', 13096, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['55hp Sea Pro USA made 3cyl',55,'M60-2 (55 Sea Pro).jpg', 13093, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp Sea Pro USA made 3cyl',60,'M60-2 (60 Sea Pro).jpg', 13094, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['60hp Square Shape Big Foot Leg',60,'M60-2 (Big Foot 60).jpg', 13097, ['Unsure - use overall height','Command Thrust/Big Foot 25\'\' (XL)','Command Thrust/Big Foot 20\'\' (Long)'] ] , ['60hp Square Shape USA made 3cyl',60,'M60-2 (60)5.jpg', 13092, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [260, 'M90-2', 10, 2, 1994, 2024, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['65hp Jet Splash Cover ONLY',65,'M90-2 (65 Jet).jpg', 13103, [] ] , ['75hp 3Cyl - See Image',75,'M90-2 (75).jpg', 13101, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['75hp Seapro 3 cyl',75,'M125-2 (75) Sea Pro1.jpg', 13104, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['90hp 3Cyl - See Image',90,'M90-2 (90).jpg', 13102, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [252, 'M125-2OPTI', 10, 2, 2004, 2024, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['75hp Optimax/ DFI',75,'M115-2Opti (75).jpg', 13327, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['80/90hp Optimax/ DFI',90,'M115-2Opti (90).jpg', 13328, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115 Optimax/ DFI',115,'M115-2Opti (115).jpg', 13329, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115 Optimax Pro XS',115,'M125-2Opti Pro Xs (115).jpg', 13331, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['125 Optimax/ DFI',125,'M125-2Opti (125).jpg', 13330, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [250, 'M125-2', 10, 2, 1994, 2024, 4, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['75hp 4 Cylinder Seapro ',75,'M125-2 (75) Sea Pro0.jpg', 13003, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['100hp 4 Cyl Can be a Saltwater Series',100,'M125-2(100).jpg', 13000, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['115hp 4Cyl Can be a Saltwater Series',115,'M125-2(115)2.jpg', 13001, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['125hp 4cyl Can be a Saltwater Series',125,'M125-2(125)0.jpg', 13002, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [247, 'M175-2OPTI', 10, 2, 2001, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['135 Optimax DFI',135,'Mercury_135_V6-OptiMax.jpg', 13332, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 Optimax DFI',150,'Mercury_150_V6-OptiMax.jpg', 13333, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 Optimax Pro XS',150,'mercury 150 pro xs optimax.jpg', 13336, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 Optimax DFI SaltWater',150,'M175-2Opti-Salt-Water0.jpg', 13337, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175 Optimax DFI',175,'Mercury_175_V6-OptiMax.jpg', 13334, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175 Optimax Pro XS',175,'M175-2Opti (175 XS Pro)0.gif', 13335, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [242, 'M200-2', 10, 2, 1996, 2024, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['115 DFI Saltwater Optimax (Old Shape)',115,'M200-2 (115 Opti).jpg', 13025, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['135hp EFI & Carb Saltwater',135,'M200-2 (135).jpg', 13020, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['135 DFI Saltwater Optimax (Old Shape)',135,'M200-2 (135) Opti.jpg', 13026, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['140 EFI & Carb Saltwater',140,'M200-2 (140).jpg', 13021, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 XR6 (V6)',150,'M200-2 XR6.jpg', 13030, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 DFI Saltwater Optimax (Old Shape)',150,'M200-2 (150 Opti)0.jpg', 13027, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['150 EFI & Carb Saltwater',150,'M200-2 (150)0.gif', 13022, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175 DFI Saltwater Optimax (Old Shape)',175,'M200-2 (175 Opti).jpg', 13028, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['175 EFI & Carb Saltwater',175,'M200-2 (175).jpg', 13023, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['200 EFI & Carb Saltwater',200,'M200-2 (200).jpg', 13024, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['200 EFI Offshore',200,'m200.gif', 13029, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [236, 'M300-2OPTI', 10, 2, 2006, 2024, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, [ ['200 Pro XS (USA)',200,'M300-2Opti Pro XS (300)1.jpg', 13349, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['200 DFI/ Optimax (Gen II)',200,'M250-2Opti (200).gif', 13347, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225 Optimax Pro XS',225,'M300-2Opti Pro XS (300)2.jpg', 13351, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225 DFI/ Optimax (Gen II)',225,'Merc Opti 225 G2 2007.gif', 13346, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 Optimax XS Racing (SPLASH ONLY)',250,'M300-2-OPTi-Racing-(250).jpg', 13353, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 DFI/ Optimax (GenII)',250,'M250-2Opti (250)0.gif', 13348, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 Optimax Pro XS',250,'M300-2Opti Pro XS (300)0.jpg', 13345, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['300 Optimax Pro XS',300,'M300-2Opti Pro XS (300)3.jpg', 13352, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['300 Optimax XS Racing (Splash/ Mooring ONLY)',300,'M300-2Opti-(300xs).gif', 13350, ['20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [234, 'M250-2', 10, 2, 2002, 2024, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, [ ['225 ProXB EFi',225,'ProXB.jpg', 13050, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['225 EFI & Carb',225,'M250-2 (225).jpg', 13048, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 ProXB EFi',250,'ProXB0.jpg', 13051, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['250 EFI & Carb',250,'M250-2 (250).gif', 13049, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','25\'\' (XL) ','30\'\' (Ultra Long) ','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] motors[motors.length] = [66, 'M5-2', 10, 2, 1988, 2024, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, [ ['4hp',4,'Mercury 5 & 4hp 2 stk.jpg', 13085, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] , ['5hp',5,'Mercury 5 & 4hp 2 stk0.jpg', 13086, ['15\'\' (Short)','20\'\' (Long)','Unsure - use overall height'] ] ], 1, '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] function emptyList(lst) { lst.options.length = 1; hideOptions1(); hideOptions2(); if (lst == window.document.frmOrder.model) hideMotorImage(); } function emptyLists(lsts) { for (var i = 0; i < lsts.length; i++) emptyList(lsts[i]); } function addListItem(lst, val, txt) { var opt = document.createElement("option"); lst.options.add(opt); opt.text = txt; opt.value = val; } function getModels(manufacturerID) { var mots = []; for (var i = 0; i < motors.length; i++) { if (motors[i][2] == manufacturerID) mots[mots.length] = motors[i]; } return mots; } function getStrokes() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var manufacturerID = 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(endYear == 0) endYear = 2024; if (startYear > endYear) endYear = startYear; for (var k = endYear; k > startYear - 1; k--) { var exists = false; for (var l = 0; l < years.length; l++) { if (years[l] == k) exists = true; } if (!exists) years[years.length] = k; } } } } } //sort years array in descending years years.sort(function(a,b){return b - a}); return years; } function updateYears() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var lst = frm.year; emptyList(lst); var years = getYears(); for (var i = 0; i < years.length; i++) addListItem(lst, years[i], years[i]); emptyLists([frm.model, frm.leg]); } function getMods() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var manufacturerID = frm.manufacturerID.options[frm.manufacturerID.selectedIndex].value; var stroke = frm.stroke.options[frm.stroke.selectedIndex].value; var hp = frm.hp.options[frm.hp.selectedIndex].value; var year = frm.year.options[frm.year.selectedIndex].value; var mods = []; var mots = getModels(manufacturerID); for (var i = 0; i < mots.length; i++) { var models = mots[i][11]; if (mots[i][3] == stroke) { for (var j = 0; j < models.length; j++) { if (hp == models[j][1]) { var startYear = mots[i][4]; var endYear = mots[i][5]; if (endYear == 0) endYear = 2024; if (startYear > endYear) endYear = startYear; if (parseInt(year) >= startYear && parseInt(year) <= endYear) { mods[mods.length] = [models[j][3], models[j][0], models[j][2]]; } } } } } return mods; } function updateModels() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var lst = frm.model; emptyList(lst); var models = getMods(); for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) addListItem(lst, models[i][0], models[i][1]); emptyLists([frm.leg]); } function getLegs() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var manufacturerID = frm.manufacturerID.options[frm.manufacturerID.selectedIndex].value; var stroke = frm.stroke.options[frm.stroke.selectedIndex].value; var hp = frm.hp.options[frm.hp.selectedIndex].value; var year = frm.year.options[frm.year.selectedIndex].value; var model = frm.model.options[frm.model.selectedIndex].value; var legs = []; var mots = getModels(manufacturerID); for (var i = 0; i < mots.length; i++) { var models = mots[i][11]; if (mots[i][3] == stroke) { for (var j = 0; j < models.length; j++) { if (hp == models[j][1]) { var startYear = mots[i][4]; var endYear = mots[i][5]; if (endYear == 0) endYear = 2024; if (startYear > endYear) endYear = startYear; if (parseInt(year) >= startYear && parseInt(year) <= endYear && models[j][3] == model) { var modelLegs = models[j][4]; for (var k = 0; k < modelLegs.length; k++) legs[legs.length] = modelLegs[k]; //set cylinders variable cylinders = mots[i][6]; } } } } } return legs; } function updateLegs() { var lst = window.document.frmOrder.leg; emptyList(lst); var legs = getLegs(); for (var i = 0; i < legs.length; i++) addListItem(lst, legs[i], legs[i]); } function displayOptions1() { var div = document.getElementById("options1"); = ""; = "visible"; //determine to show divElectricStart, divPullStart, 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= 0; if (coverFull == 1 && coverSplash == 1) coverCombo = 1; frm.cover.options.length = 1; frm.printingcovers.options.length = 1; if (coverCombo == 1) { addListItem(frm.cover, "1", "Combo Covers (Full & Splash)"); addListItem(frm.printingcovers, "1", "Combo Covers (Full & Splash)"); } if (coverFull == 1) { addListItem(frm.cover, "2", "Full Cover Only"); addListItem(frm.printingcovers, "2", "Full Cover Only"); } if (coverSplash == 1) { addListItem(frm.cover, "3", "Splash Cover only (Cowling Cover)"); addListItem(frm.printingcovers, "3", "Splash Cover only (Cowling Cover)"); } if (coverMooring == 1) { addListItem(frm.cover, "4", "Mooring/ Tow & Stow Cover only"); addListItem(frm.printingcovers, "4", "Mooring /Tow & Stow Cover only"); } } function validate() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var missing = ""; //standard //if (frm.manufacturerID.selectedIndex == 0) //missing += "Make of Outboard\n"; if (frm.stroke.selectedIndex == 0) missing += "Stroke\n"; if (frm.hp.selectedIndex == 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== ""); } function calculate() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var price = 0; //cover price var priceCover = []; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 200, 500, 4, 488.00, 8, 8]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 200, 500, 4, 374.00, 8, 8]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 200, 500, 4, 342.00, 8, 8]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 40, 60, 4, 234.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 75, 115, 4, 268.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 135, 200, 4, 279.00, 0, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 40, 60, 2, 184.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 75, 90, 2, 219.00, 3, 3]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 115, 200, 2, 258.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 225, 300, 2, 304.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 75, 125, 2, 244.00, 4, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 40, 60, 4, 372.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 40, 60, 4, 449.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 40, 60, 2, 360.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 75, 90, 2, 412.00, 3, 3]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 115, 200, 2, 486.00, 0, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 225, 300, 2, 539.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 75, 125, 2, 441.00, 4, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 40, 60, 2, 301.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 75, 90, 2, 336.00, 3, 3]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 115, 200, 2, 398.00, 0, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 225, 300, 2, 423.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 75, 125, 2, 351.00, 4, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 75, 115, 4, 502.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 135, 200, 4, 533.00, 0, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 75, 115, 4, 409.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 135, 200, 4, 440.00, 0, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 2, 15, 2, 130.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 21, 39, 4, 211.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 16, 39, 2, 295.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 16, 39, 2, 239.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 11, 20, 4, 338.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 21, 39, 4, 339.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 16, 39, 2, 159.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 2, 15, 2, 246.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 2, 15, 2, 201.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 2, 10, 4, 258.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 21, 39, 4, 408.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 2, 10, 4, 194.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 11, 20, 4, 273.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 2, 10, 4, 153.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 11, 20, 4, 182.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 200, 500, 4, 595.00, 8, 8]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 301, 400, 4, 330.00, 6, 7]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 175, 300, 4, 335.00, 6, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 301, 400, 4, 352.00, 6, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 301, 400, 4, 471.00, 6, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [2, 175, 300, 4, 454.00, 6, 7]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 175, 300, 4, 564.00, 6, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 301, 400, 4, 588.00, 6, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 2, 10, 4, 136.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 11, 20, 4, 192.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 21, 39, 4, 238.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 40, 60, 4, 261.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 75, 115, 4, 287.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 135, 200, 4, 308.00, 0, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 175, 300, 4, 381.00, 6, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 2, 15, 2, 141.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 16, 39, 2, 168.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 40, 60, 2, 211.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 75, 90, 2, 236.00, 3, 3]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 75, 125, 2, 246.00, 4, 4]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 115, 200, 2, 279.00, 0, 6]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 225, 300, 2, 297.00, 0, 0]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 500, 600, 4, 534.00, 12, 12]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 350, 500, 4, 714.00, 10, 10]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 350, 500, 4, 449.00, 10, 10]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [4, 350, 500, 4, 411.00, 10, 10]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [3, 500, 600, 4, 583.00, 12, 12]; priceCover[priceCover.length] = [1, 500, 600, 4, 850.00, 12, 12]; //postage price var pricePostage = []; var pricePostage1 = 0; var pricePostage2 = 0; var postageFirst = false; var postageSecond = false; pricePostage1 = 35.00; pricePostage2 = 17.50; for (var i = 0; i < selectedDeliveryOptions.length; i++) { if (selectedDeliveryOptions[i] == "29") { if (editInd == "") { postageSecond = true; } else { if (!postageFirst) { postageFirst = true; } else if (i <= parseInt(editInd)) { postageSecond = true; } } } } if (postageSecond) { if (pricePostage2 != 0) { pricePostage1 = pricePostage2; } } pricePostage[pricePostage.length] = [29, pricePostage1]; pricePostage1 = 35.00; pricePostage2 = 17.50; for (var i = 0; i < selectedDeliveryOptions.length; i++) { if (selectedDeliveryOptions[i] == "90") { if (editInd == "") { postageSecond = true; } else { if (!postageFirst) { postageFirst = true; } else if (i <= parseInt(editInd)) { postageSecond = true; } } } } if (postageSecond) { if (pricePostage2 != 0) { pricePostage1 = pricePostage2; } } pricePostage[pricePostage.length] = [90, pricePostage1]; pricePostage1 = 50.00; pricePostage2 = 25.00; for (var i = 0; i < selectedDeliveryOptions.length; i++) { if (selectedDeliveryOptions[i] == "86") { if (editInd == "") { postageSecond = true; } else { if (!postageFirst) { postageFirst = true; } else if (i <= parseInt(editInd)) { postageSecond = true; } } } } if (postageSecond) { if (pricePostage2 != 0) { pricePostage1 = pricePostage2; } } pricePostage[pricePostage.length] = [86, pricePostage1]; if (postageSecond) { $("#postage2").val("1"); } else { $("#postage2").val(""); } //manufacturer logo price var priceLogoManufacturer = []; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 2, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 5, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 5, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 5, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 4, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 4, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 4, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 8, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 8, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 8, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 10, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 10, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 10, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 7, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 7, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 7, 0.01]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 3, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 3, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 3, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 1, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 1, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 1, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 7, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 10, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 1, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 3, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 4, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 8, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 2, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 5, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 2, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 14, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 14, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 14, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 14, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 2, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [1, 21, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [2, 21, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [3, 21, 0.00]; priceLogoManufacturer[priceLogoManufacturer.length] = [4, 21, 0.00]; //hp print price var priceLogo = []; priceLogo[priceLogo.length] = [2, 0.00]; priceLogo[priceLogo.length] = [3, 0.00]; priceLogo[priceLogo.length] = [4, 0.00]; priceLogo[priceLogo.length] = [1, 0.00]; //update price for hp print on rear if ($("#printhp").length == 1) { var hpPrintPrice = "0.00"; if ($("#cover").val() == "2") hpPrintPrice = "0.00"; if ($("#cover").val() == "3") hpPrintPrice = "0.00"; if ($("#cover").val() == "4") hpPrintPrice = "0.00"; if ($("#cover").val() == "1") hpPrintPrice = "0.00"; $("#spanHPPrice").html(hpPrintPrice); } //secondary colour price var priceSecondary = []; priceSecondary[priceSecondary.length] = [2, 30.00]; priceSecondary[priceSecondary.length] = [3, 20.00]; priceSecondary[priceSecondary.length] = [4, 25.00]; priceSecondary[priceSecondary.length] = [1, 50.00]; //update price for secondary colour if ($("#printingcolourmain").length == 1 && $("#printingcoloursecondary").val() != "") { var secondaryPrintPrice = "0.00"; if (($("#cover").val() == "1" && $("#cover").val() != "1") || ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "1" == "2")) { secondaryPrintPrice = "50.00"; price = price + 50.00; } if (($("#cover").val() == "2" && $("#cover").val() != "1") || ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "2" == "2")) { secondaryPrintPrice = "30.00"; price = price + 30.00; } if (($("#cover").val() == "3" && $("#cover").val() != "1") || ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "3" == "2")) { secondaryPrintPrice = "20.00"; price = price + 20.00; } if (($("#cover").val() == "4" && $("#cover").val() != "1") || ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "4" == "2")) { secondaryPrintPrice = "25.00"; price = price + 25.00; } $("#spanSecondaryPrice1").html(secondaryPrintPrice); } else { $("#spanSecondaryPrice1").html("0.00"); } //update price for secondary colour 2 if ($("#printingcolourmain2").length == 1 && $("#cover").val() == "1" && $("#printingcoloursecondary2").val() != "") { var secondaryPrintPrice = "0.00"; if ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "1" == "3") { secondaryPrintPrice = "50.00"; price = price + 50.00; } if ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "2" == "3") { secondaryPrintPrice = "30.00"; price = price + 30.00; } if ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "3" == "3") { secondaryPrintPrice = "20.00"; price = price + 20.00; } if ($("#cover").val() == "1" && "4" == "3") { secondaryPrintPrice = "25.00"; price = price + 25.00; } $("#spanSecondaryPrice2").html(secondaryPrintPrice); } else { $("#spanSecondaryPrice2").html("0.00"); } //colour price var priceColour = []; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [1, 1, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [2, 1, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [3, 1, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [1, 2, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [2, 2, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [3, 2, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [4, 1, 0.00]; priceColour[priceColour.length] = [4, 2, 0.00]; //fabric colour (main) price var priceFabricMain = []; priceFabricMain[priceFabricMain.length] = [17, 0.00]; priceFabricMain[priceFabricMain.length] = [22, 10.00]; //calculate total price of options //go through priceCover var coverID = frm.cover.options[frm.cover.selectedIndex].value; var hp = frm.hp.options[frm.hp.selectedIndex].value; var stroke = frm.stroke.options[frm.stroke.selectedIndex].value; if (coverID != "" && hp != "" && stroke != "") { for (var i = 0; i < priceCover.length; i++) { //if (priceCover[i][0] == parseInt(coverID) && priceCover[i][1] <= parseInt(hp) && priceCover[i][2] >= parseInt(hp) && priceCover[i][3] == parseInt(stroke) && (cylinders >= priceCover[i][5] || priceCover[i][5] == 0 || priceCover[i][1] < parseInt(hp)) && (cylinders <= priceCover[i][6] || priceCover[i][6] == 0 || priceCover[i][2] > parseInt(hp))) if (priceCover[i][0] == parseInt(coverID) && priceCover[i][1] <= parseInt(hp) && priceCover[i][2] >= parseInt(hp) && priceCover[i][3] == parseInt(stroke) && (cylinders >= priceCover[i][5] || priceCover[i][5] == 0) && (cylinders <= priceCover[i][6] || priceCover[i][6] == 0)) { price = price + priceCover[i][4]; frm.coverPrice.value = priceCover[i][4]; break; } } } //go through pricePostage var deliveryID =[].value; if (deliveryID != "") { for (var i = 0; i < pricePostage.length; i++) { if (pricePostage[i][0] == parseInt(deliveryID)) { price = price + pricePostage[i][1]; break; } } } //go through priceLogoManufacturer var printingmanufacturerID = "10"; var printing = $("#printing").val(); var printingcoversID = frm.printingcovers.options[frm.printingcovers.selectedIndex].value; if (printingmanufacturerID != "" && printingcoversID != "" && printing == "3") { for (var i = 0; i < priceLogoManufacturer.length; i++) { if (priceLogoManufacturer[i][0] == parseInt(printingcoversID) && priceLogoManufacturer[i][1] == parseInt(printingmanufacturerID)) { price = price + priceLogoManufacturer[i][2]; break; } } } //go through priceLogo (hp print price) if ($("#printhp").length == 1 && $("#printhp").val() == "1") { var hpPrintPrice = 0; if ($("#cover").val() == "2") hpPrintPrice = 0.00; if ($("#cover").val() == "3") hpPrintPrice = 0.00; if ($("#cover").val() == "4") hpPrintPrice = 0.00; if ($("#cover").val() == "1") hpPrintPrice = 0.00; price = price + hpPrintPrice; } //go through priceColour var pcolourID = frm.printingcolourtype.options[frm.printingcolourtype.selectedIndex].value; if (coverID != "" && pcolourID != "" && (printing == "1" || printing == "2")) { for (var i = 0; i < priceColour.length; i++) { if (priceColour[i][0] == parseInt(printingcoversID) && priceColour[i][1] == parseInt(pcolourID)) { price = price + priceColour[i][2]; break; } } } //go through priceFabricMain var pfabricMainID = frm.printingcolourmain.options[frm.printingcolourmain.selectedIndex].value; for (var i = 0; i < priceFabricMain.length; i++) { if (priceFabricMain[i][0] == parseInt(pfabricMainID)) { price = price + priceFabricMain[i][1]; break; } } //go through priceFabricMain for secondary if ($("#printingcolourmain2").length == 1 && $("#cover").val() == "1") { var pfabricMainID2 = frm.printingcolourmain2.options[frm.printingcolourmain2.selectedIndex].value; for (var i = 0; i < priceFabricMain.length; i++) { if (priceFabricMain[i][0] == parseInt(pfabricMainID2)) { price = price + priceFabricMain[i][1]; break; } } } //if fin has been selected then add on appropriate price if (frm.finName.selectedIndex > 0) price = price + fins[frm.finName.selectedIndex - 1][1]; else if ($("#fin").val() == "1") price = price + 0; //if stock image has been selected then add on appropriate price if (printing == "4" && frm.printingstockimageID.selectedIndex > 0) { if (printingcoversID == "1") price = price + (stockImages[frm.printingstockimageID.selectedIndex - 1][2] * 2); else price = price + stockImages[frm.printingstockimageID.selectedIndex - 1][2]; } //if hiviz has been selected then add on 20.00 var hiviz = frm.hiviz.options[frm.hiviz.selectedIndex].value; if (hiviz == "1") price = price + 20.00; //if tiller has been selected then add on js:tillerPrice var tiller = frm.tiller.options[frm.tiller.selectedIndex].value; if (tiller == "1") { price = price + tillerPrice; $("#divTillerGear").show(); } else { $("#divTillerGear").hide(); } //if yfork has been selected then add on 20.00 var yfork = frm.yfork.options[frm.yfork.selectedIndex].value; if (yfork == "1") price = price + 20.00; //if zip has been selected then add on 20.00 var zip =[].value; if (zip == "1") price = price + 20.00; //if zip has been selected then add on 20.00 var locking = frm.locking.options[frm.locking.selectedIndex].value; if (locking == "1") price = price + 20.00; //multiply by quantity var quantity = frm.quantity.options[frm.quantity.selectedIndex].value; price = price * parseFloat(quantity); //discount postage if quantity is > 1 if (parseInt(quantity) > 1) { //postage price var pricePostage1Selected = 0; var pricePostage2Selected = 0; if ($("#delivery").val() == "29") { pricePostage1Selected = 35.00; pricePostage2Selected = 17.50; } if ($("#delivery").val() == "90") { pricePostage1Selected = 35.00; pricePostage2Selected = 17.50; } if ($("#delivery").val() == "86") { pricePostage1Selected = 50.00; pricePostage2Selected = 25.00; } price = price - ((parseFloat(quantity) - 1) * (pricePostage1Selected - pricePostage2Selected)); } //if discount value is specified, subtract it var priceSpan = price; if ($("#discountValue").length > 0 && $("#discountValue").val() != "") priceSpan = priceSpan - parseFloat($("#discountValue").val()); //priceSpan = priceSpan * parseFloat(quantity); writeToLayer("spanPrice", priceSpan.toFixed(2)); frm.price.value = "" + price.toFixed(2); } function addItem() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; frm.action = "orderMerc.jsp"; frm.instruction.value = ""; if (validate()) frm.submit(); } function addProduct() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; frm.action = "orderMerc.jsp"; frm.instruction.value = "product"; if (validate()) frm.submit(); } function stepProducts() { var spUrl = window.document.location.href; spUrl = spUrl.substring(0, spUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); window.document.location.href = spUrl + "order-product.jsp?regionID=13&dt=" + (new Date()).toString(); } function stepCovers() { var spUrl = window.document.location.href; spUrl = spUrl.substring(0, spUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); window.document.location.href = spUrl + "orderMerc.jsp?dt=" + (new Date()).toString(); } function addItemStep2() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; frm.action = "orderMerc.jsp"; frm.instruction.value = "addItemStep2"; if (validate()) frm.submit(); } function step2() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; frm.action = "orderMerc2.jsp"; frm.instruction.value = ""; frm.submit(); } function deleteItem(index) { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; frm.action = "orderMerc.jsp"; frm.instruction.value = "delete"; frm.ind.value = index; frm.submit(); } function setPrintingCovers() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var cover = frm.cover; var printingcovers = frm.printingcovers; if (cover.options[cover.selectedIndex].value != "") { $("#printingcovers").val($("#cover").val()); } else { var div = document.getElementById("divPrintingCovers"); = ""; = "visible"; } if (cover.options[cover.selectedIndex].value != "3" && cover.options[cover.selectedIndex].value != "4") { //display divLeg var div = document.getElementById("divLeg"); = ""; = "visible"; hidePlateImage(); displayPlateImage(); displayFinOption(); displayFullOptions(); } else { //hide divLeg var div = document.getElementById("divLeg"); = "0px"; = "hidden"; hidePlateImage(); hideFinOption(); hideFin(); hideFullOptions(); hideLockingEyeOption(); } //display locking eye option if full, mooring or combo has been selected if (cover.options[cover.selectedIndex].value != "" && cover.options[cover.selectedIndex].value != "3") { showLockingEyeOption(); } } function showLockingEyeOption() { if (false) return; var div = document.getElementById("divLocking"); = ""; = "visible"; } function hideLockingEyeOption() { var div = document.getElementById("divLocking"); = "0px"; = "hidden"; var frm = window.document.frmOrder; frm.locking.selectedIndex = 0; } function doColour2() { var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var div = document.getElementById("divColour2"); if (frm.cover.options[frm.cover.selectedIndex].value == "1") { = ""; = "visible"; } else { = "0px"; = "hidden"; } } var tillerPrice = 0.00; function updateTillerPrice() { var tillerPrices = []; tillerPrices[tillerPrices.length] = [0, 20, 35.00]; tillerPrices[tillerPrices.length] = [21, 60, 45.00]; tillerPrices[tillerPrices.length] = [61, 100, 55.00]; tillerPrices[tillerPrices.length] = [101, 999, 75.00]; var frm = window.document.frmOrder; var hp = parseFloat(frm.hp.options[frm.hp.selectedIndex].value); for (var i = 0; i < tillerPrices.length; i++) { if (hp >= tillerPrices[i][0] && hp <= tillerPrices[i][1]) tillerPrice = tillerPrices[i][2]; } writeToLayer("spanTillerPrice", tillerPrice.toFixed(2)); var div = document.getElementById("divTiller"); if (tillerPrice != "0.00") { = ""; = "visible"; } else { = "0px"; = "hidden"; } }